Machinery Tinting Perth

We Tint Various Types of Machinery


Do your jobs require you to leave your machinery on-site during your projects? Have you either experienced or heard the horror stories of heavy equipment vandalization while it is unattended? Are you tired of hearing your operators complaining about the heat inside the cab of your equipment?

Fortunately, you can avoid these situations by adding commercial mobile window tinting to your heavy machinery. This will save you money and improve on-site employee and contractor satisfaction.

Added Safety With Mobile Window Tinting Perth

Heavy MachineryThere are many tinting options for improving security on your heavy machinery. The first option increases the strength of the glass, so anyone attempting to smash the glass on your equipment will have a much harder time achieving their mischievous goals. This tint film is ten times thicker than standard tint film, and prevents the glass from shattering out when it is struck with a heavy object.

Another option is anti-graffiti tinting film that will reduce the effect of attempts to deface your equipment. If someone attempts to tag your equipment’s windows, you simply call our team to replace the tinting film, saving you time and money compared to replacing full windowpanes.

Mobile Window Tinting Adds Operator Comfort

A chief complaint of most machinery operators is the heat generated in the cab, especially on hot summer days. With solar tinting, up to 60 percent of total solar energy can be filtered, which means your operators will feel a measurable difference in the heat caused by the sun’s light.

Contact Us To Get Started

Contact our team of mobile window tinting Perth professionals to get started adding safety, security and comfort to your heavy equipment. We will work with you to determine the best tints for your equipment and will get you a no-cost estimate to make this investment in your business.

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    Tractor with Tinted Windows